I feel some kind of a little bit misery for these two or three days. It is all because of rapid change in time and temperature in Jordan. Thought that I don't need to comment on weather here. It was discussed by my friends on facebook.. ym.. and also their blogs.
Read to know how is the weather. haha~ :
these are my friend's blog.. pinjam kejap bro.
Ok. Thinking about winter is coming, I realise that i've been in Jordan for more than one month.
Glad to say that I finally able to adapt the environment here. ~Actually cannot stand much to cold.
Lectures are in control.
Food and drinks are settled everyday.
Thanks to my house mates who always not forget to cook regularly, Zakiy, Salam and Amirun. Lucky to have you guys as great house mates. Ni calon-calon suami mithali. Insha Allah.. ~promote kat blog.
But there is still one big problem. Think that all people will experience it.
Internet addiction.
Honestly, I can't really concentrate while studying at home. Internet becomes a monstrous thread. Haha..
But I want to get infos.. read newspaper.. connecting with people..
You know how its feel when we start surfing. Merely unstoppable. Especially when first time internet was set up at home. Hehe.. reminder for friends those who recently got their Orange modem set up.
-Orange is a famous the provider for internet in Jordan, up to 8mb/s.
I remember, once my senior here, Ahmad Syahmi Yahya and Tuan Ahmad Zulkarnain said:
"Tanggunjawab utama manusia di atas muka bumi ini ada tiga:
1. khalifah
2. abid
3. daie
Jika satu ditinggalkan maka hancurlah kehidupan."
Hence, should us revise back our goal for this life. Our niat.
Hadis ini adalah salah satu hadis utama dalam Islam.
Hadis pertama dari himpunan Hadis 40 susunan Imam Nawawi.
It's really meaningful.
If we greatly aim to be a good house mate.. then we'll surely strive for that.
If we greatly aim to be a good friend.. then we'll surely strive for that.
If we greatly aim to be a good student.. then we'll surely strive for that.
If we greatly aim to be a good son or daughter.. then we'll surely strive for that.
If we greatly aim to be a good khalifah.. then we'll surely strive for that.
If we greatly aim to be a good abid.. then we'll surely strive for that.
If we greatly aim to be a good daie.. then we'll surely strive for that.
But also, if we greatly aim to achieve something bad.. then we'll surely strive for that.
Believe it.
So, focus on your aim. Especially in study..