Friday, December 25, 2009

Never Give Up Before Fight

25 December 2009

Congratulations and bravo to my former school, SMA Persekutuan Labu, Negeri Sembilan for becoming the 5th placer in PMR among SMA and SMKA entire Malaysia. It’s a very pleasant gift from students and a worthy effort from teachers in ensuring the achievement in hand. Mabruk a’laikum..

Truly, success is for the one who will to pay the price.

Hard Time and Depress

Talking about success, is it hard to achieve? Is it impossible?

Well, yeah. Hard to achieve but not impossible my friends..

Remind back my hard time in Form 4, I went through a very difficult and depressing period to cope with Additional Mathematics subject. “Very hard. Don’t understand. I want to give it up,” that’s all in mind. How childish.

I was one of the school basketball players. Because of the tournament was just around the midterm examination period, I got everything mixed up. My concentration was completely out of exam since the basketball training was held either on class time or on prep time.

Seems like I got nothing learned from add math. Despite knowing so, I didn’t do exercise because every single of the questions were unsolvable. Ridiculous huh? Dah la tak tau belajar apa-apa entah, buat latihan pun malas..

During exam, I completely screwed up. I had no idea to answer all questions. ALL.. I mean it.

When add math result came out, I scored only 27 percent!!!

Feel embarrassed since most of my friends scored, I tried to look relax. But honestly, I tore apart inside. Try to call my mother..

“Ma.. rasa macam nak ambil kelas tuisyen add math la. So, nak mintak dalam RM 200 sebulan nak buat duit yuran kelas.”

I tried to avoid talking about my result.

“Kenapa? Kelas pagi-pagi tak cukup ke belajar? Banyak tu..”

“Er.. cukup-cukup. Saja nak strengthen comprehension sikit lagi. Kawan-kawan pun ramai yang masuk kelas tu. Cikgu bagus.”

“Result hari tu macam mana?”

I had no idea to answer that..

“Hmm.. tak berapa ok. Tu yang nak masuk kelas tu.”

“Tak berapa ok tu berapa?” mom asked again.

“27.. Failed.” Short answer, but it was very difficult to spill it out.

My mom suddenly became speechless. I was worried..

“Ma.. sori..” I said softly.

“Tak apa la.” She said later. But I heard an angry shout from behind..

“Tu la. Orang suruh study, banyak pergi main. Lepas tu mula la nak masuk tuisyen. Abang-abang dulu tak pernah pun masuk tuisyen!”

That was from my dad. I knew he will say so. Even though that reaction was under prediction, I got totally upset. Honestly, my eyes burst into tears.

Really painful to hear that from my own dad when I was desperately need support, who else if not from my parents. But.. well, I know him. Maybe he was in a little bad mood.

“Sorry ma.. abah..” My last words. I hung up.

It was really unmotivated. Yet, I felt challenged. I tried to be tough. I will fix it. I’ll prove that to mom and dad. Better be late than never.

what should i do?

Stand Up Again

I’m not the kind that frustrated to the end. Nothing to lose again in future. So, I change my style in add math. More exercise, concentrate in class.

No need to feel down and undetermined. That doesn’t change anything.

I kept my will constant and worked on it. Why?

Because I set my target at the highest. Not just no more fail but I’ll score A! Bukan setakat lulus sahaja.

Because I felt challenged as my friends had scored already despite we were the same. Just knew add math together, just step into high secondary level together. Why couldn’t I?

Because I was an excellent lower secondary level student.

Because it was my own mistakes to not struggle in the start.

Because I owed my mom and dad for the tuition fee.

Because I had no reason for my last fail!

Then, I caught up everything I missed in the past. Try to be steady on current syllabus. Doubled, yet tripled my exercises.

Alhamdulillah it was a happy ending. Felt like in dream that I scored 80 in the final exam.

Despite not failed, I grab A. More.. it was an A1 from an E!!

Once again, I felt warm on my cheeks. I cried happily. Paid my promise to mom and dad.

when there's a will, there's a way

Rise and Fall

Sometimes we fall to the valley. Sometimes we rise to the peak. It’s common in human life. Should we become uninspired after only fall into valley once? Or should we climb to the peak again?

I remembered words from 4th year senior, Abang Atiq,

“Kadang-kadang ana rasa pelik. Kenapa pelajar-pelajar scholar ni tak bersyukur? Dah dapat peluang buat medic. Oversea pula tu. Tapi tak pula usaha macam orang bersyukur.”

I was mesmerized by his points that night. Really a good reflect from scholar students nowadays. We chose to fall. That made us really failed.

These questions came into my mind..

What am I doing here actually? Am I doing what I supposed to do?

What I’m aiming actually? Am I capable to achieve my goal?

What should I grab here? Am I walking in the right path?

What about my academic states now? Am I qualified to become doctor?

Ya Allah.. Am I capable of being a reliable doctor on my states right now?
Layak ke aku nak jadi doktor ni?

Allah does not charge a soul except [with that within] its capacity. It will have [the consequence of] what [good] it has gained, and it will bear [the consequence of] what [evil] it has earned. "Our Lord, do not impose blame upon us if we have forgotten or erred. Our Lord, and lay not upon us a burden like that which You laid upon those before us. Our Lord, and burden us not with that which we have no ability to bear. And pardon us; and forgive us; and have mercy upon us. You are our protector, so give us victory over the disbelieving people."
Al Baqarah : 286

Ya Allah..
If this path is the best for me and my friends, please help us through all the circumstances in life.
Please guide us in examinations and challenge in medical field.
Lighten us with your undiminished nur.

Bless us, your servants to become reliable doctors and dentists with Islam as guidance.


Thursday, December 17, 2009

Money, Money, Money

17 December 2009.

Awal Muharram datang lagi. Selamat tahun baru kepada semua umat Islam. Walaupun tiada kedengaran bunyi bunga api semeriah tahun baru masihi ataupun tahun baru cina dan sebagainya, moga-moga roh tahun baru ini menjadi platform ke arah menjadikan diri anda lebih baik.

Azam tahun baru? Ingin berubah?

masa berubah sentiasa tersedia untuk anda. sanggup?

Berjimat Wang

Saya sarankan anda satu perubahan paling bermakna. Berjimat wang.

Aspek paling penting dalam hidup serba moden masa kini. Duit..

Orang kata…

“Tak ada duit tak pe. Janji bahagia.”

Tak pun..

“Wang bukan segala-galanya.”

Agak-agak realistik ke ayat-ayat tu sekarang ni? Kalau hidup pun tunggang-langgang, tidak terurus dek kerana tiada duit untuk perbelanjaan seharian, boleh bahagia? Tepuk dada tanya minda.

Walhal dalam apa jua urusan dalam dunia ni, semuanya kena pakai duit.
Nak belajar kena pakai duit..
Nak beli barang pakai duit..
Nak makan pakai duit..
Nak naik bas pakai duit..
Nak masuk tandas pun dah kena pakai duit??!!

Lain la kalau dunia ni mak ayah kita yang punya. Semua benda boleh dapat free.. Tak gitu? Mana ada benda percuma sekarang ni. “Balash” atau “Majjanan” bak kata orang Arab, maksudnya percuma.

Cara nak ada banyak duit.. Berjimat cermat. Sudah tentu.
Cuba jimatkan wang semaksima mungkin.
Contohnya, pilihlah barang lebih murah harganya walaupun bezanya hanya dua tiga ringgit semasa membeli belah.

Bukan kedekut ye.. tapi berjimat.

no money, no talk.


Tahniah jika anda salah seorang penerima biasiswa. Anda memang hebat kerana berjaya mendapat kepercayaan penaja anda.

Dapat duit walaupun tak kerja lagi. Bestnye..

Contohnya, rata-rata pelajar luar negara ditaja dengan RM 2500 sebulan. Mewah tak terkata..
Duit tu untuk ape?

Hmm… Makan minum..

Hmm… Pakaian.. sweater especially. Well, winter’s coming..

Hmm… Sejuk. Nak heater. Beli la 5 buah..
Beli la. Takut beku..

Hmm… Jalan-jalan tengok tempat orang..
Er.. yang ni bagus juga.

Hmm… nak up to date sikit la. Handset 3G, camera 12megapix..
Boleh la satu.

Hmm… boring. Nak PS3..
Okey la tengah-tengah tensen..

Hmm… bilik kosong. Beli satu family teddy la..
Beli je..

Hmm… malas nak masak. Order je la pizza, kfc, mcd ke..

Hmm… duit banyak ni. Beli la home teater..

Inilah satu-satunya masalah yang paling kronik, menjadi penghalang untuk berjimat. Pantang ada duit lebih, nak je dihabiskan.

Apa tujuan sebenar biasiswa?

Anda sebenarnya dibayar untuk menuntut ilmu. Boleh dikira sebagai student bergaji. Yuran pun orang dah tolong bayar.. Tiket flight pun tak perlu susah-susah kumpul duit. Nak suruh study pun orang boleh bagi duit lagi??!! Rugi sungguh penaja biasiswa ni kan? Akhirnya, anda juga yang jadi doktor, engineer, pensyarah atau alim ulama’.

Soal study betul-betul atau tidak bukan jadi fokus di sini. Kalau tak belajar tu boleh dikira makan gaji buta ye tak? Agak-agak bersih ke tak gaji buta tu..

Tapi, soalnya kali ini, untuk apakah duit hasil titik peluh mak ayah, abang-abang, kakak-kakak, atau saudara-saudara kita digunakan? Sanggup dibazirkan begitu sahaja?

Kalau tak nak fikir pasal orang lain pun, fikir pasal diri sendiri. Berbelanja tak beragak. Semua benda orang beli, kita pon nak beli. Last sekali duit habis. Nak makan apa? Nak pergi lecture naik apa?

Bagi yang senang-senang tu, cuba lihat sahabat-sahabat lain yang susah kerja sambil belajar. Tangguh pengajian sebab tak cukup duit. Jika tergerak hati nak tolong, bagus. Kalau tak berapa mampu, ambil peringatan untuk diri. Jangan ingat kita akan sentiasa bernasib baik. Entah-entah duit biasiswa tersangkut.. atau mana-mana penaja tarik balik.. Na’uzubillah..

Sesungguhnya pemboros-pemboros itu adalah saudara-saudara syaitan dan syaitan itu adalah sangat ingkar kepada Tuhannya. (Surah Al-Isra:27).

Bak kata pepatah Arab Jordan, “ Simpanlah duitmu yang putih itu untuk hari hitam kamu.”

jangan sampai jadi seperti pokok tak berdaun, baru nak beringat.
..:: model: cuib ::..

Salam Maal Hijrah 1431H.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Laut Mati dan Gua Ashabul Kahfi.. Sampai Akhirnya

11 December 2009.

Jauh berjalan, luas pemandangan. Bertambah pula pengetahuan. Sempat berjalan-jalan ke Laut Mati dan Gua Ashabul Kahfi pada 5 Disember yang lalu adalah satu kepuasan yang tak ternilai bagi saya. Tak lengkap sampai Jordan kalau tak pergi dua-dua tempat tersebut.

Katakanlah: “Mengembaralah kamu di muka bumi kemudian lihatlah bagaimana kesudahan orang-orang yang telah lalu (yang telah dibinasakan); kebanyakan mereka adalah orang-orang musyrik”. Surah Ar-Rum, Ayat 42.

Minggu ini ada exam. Tak sempat tulis panjang-panjang.  Harap-harap gambar-gambar di bawah dapat memberi penjelasan perjalanan kami. Doakan kejayaan kami, pelajar perubatan Malaysia di Jordan.

Pagi 5 Dec yang berkabus tebal.

Berkumpul pada 6.30 am sebelum bertolak.

Pukul 7.30 am baru gerak.. Semua baru sampai..  ~_*

Abu Khalid.. pemandu bas kami.

Tanaman sayur-sayuran.

Sebelah sana, Palestin.

Makam salah sorang sahabat ada dalam masjid ni.

Berhenti rehat kejap di kedai sekitar kawasan kampung.

Ni air buatan pelajar Malaysia kat Jordan.

Yah.. ni dia pengusahanya. Terkantoi di situ..

Jalan untuk unta sahaja.

Entrance Laut Mati. Sampai pukul 2 pm lebih kurang.

Bergambar sebelum masuk.

Tazkirah sebelum ber'pateh' dari encik Sale.

Cari-cari port terbaek.

Muka-muka 1st time sampai Laut Mati.

Ni la Laut mati.

Lepas ni mandi..

Mirun ngan Adidas hanya ditemui di balad.

Sale tengah usha.

Berd.. koya gapo?

Masjid Ashabul Kahfi.

Pintu utama masjid.

Pintu masuk kawasan gua Ashabul Kahfi.

Promoter gua.

Jom masuk..

Pameran dalam gua.

Artifak ditemui dalam gua.

Kawasan luar gua.

Pic ini agak terbaek.
Pose istimewa dari sale..

Singgah City Mall di Amman kejap.

Untuk jalan-jalan..

Dan dinner..

Friday, December 4, 2009

United We Stand, Devided We Can't Stand Each Other

4 December 2009, 1.30 pm.

What is friendship to all of you guys? Is it only relevant at certain time and place? What makes people are so easy to relate and others are so difficult? Sometimes it's really hard to make a person to feel and understand what we want.

If you live with your friends or maybe acquaintances, then I'm pretty sure you all understand the predicament.

I have a story..

One day, on 6.00 pm, it's just after Maghrib time..

"Wei, jom ar tolong aku masak. Manjang aku je masak. Korang nak makan ke tak ni? Cepat la wei.. Korang ni apsal ar? Ada problem bagitau.." Mr A said while knocking his friends rooms' door. No reply.. he continued doing so.

"Aku tengah skype ngan mak aku ar! Tak yah la kacau. F**k ar!" suddenly heard a voice from Mr B's room. Mr B is currently mad. He can't stand with the loud noise. Mr A was pissed.

"Alahai.. nak claim ar tu. Masak pon nak berkira.. Aku bukannye tak penah masak pon." replied Mr C from his room. Mr C was playing PES, ignoring what is happening in the house.

Later, here came Mr D who had just finished his lecture at the university which is located approximately 40 minutes from their house, tired and hungry.

"Adoooih.. lapar-lapar. Korang tak masak-masak lagi ke? Ish, harap balik je awal. Bukannye nak tolong-tolong masak dulu. Ni pegi main bola. Sekarang baru nak masak lambat la.. Kalo da terer sangat pegi join team jamiah nu.." said Mr D innocently, half angry but tried to control.

Opppss... wrong timing Mr D.

.....::you know what'll happen after that::.....
*this story is base on writer's idea. if any similar incident occur to your life it's just a cliché. hehe..

problems are salt and sugar in friendship. i mean "asam garam"..tol ke?

People are varies..

Well, the incident in the story quiet obvious happen when we don't get what we want. Especially, when dealing with people.

My friends,
Don't expect everyone to be perfect. Various type of person are there around us. They have their own behaviour and attitude. Such as who is;

1. Controls everything - this person has the highest concern among his friends. He maybe wants to get everything he asks, help or something including by force if in urgent. Why? Because he feel responsible in setting up everything. It's good but sometimes makes people uneasy. Mr A in the story reflects this person.

2. Screws up everything - this person may become a big wall to everything in plan. He may rejects everything when doing his job. Maybe because he's a committed person. Just the way he do it is a little harsh, may too rude sometimes depends on mood. Lack of social attention from friends could lead to this. He may eat up two whole rice cooker for example when his stress come. Pity on him.. Mr B reflects this person.

3. Ignores everything -  he likes to enjoy his activities. Sometimes he abandoned community. When asked to do something, he may do it in order to get the task done only. He must be stimulated to get his help in doing something. He may goes to travel by himself alone to sea or city without anyone accompanied, just for his satisfaction. Mr C reflects this person.

4. Knows everything - whether he really know-it-all or pretending to know-it-all, this person try his best to set up everything on his calculation. He can really make friend with everyone including seniors even outsiders, but sometimes there is a hole in his calculation that makes his plan goes wrong  for example timing or place. Mr D reflects this person.

See, friends..
People are varies. We can't treat them the same. Especially when it comes to our own friends. Sometimes, feel awkward to tell their mistakes. Sometimes, feel that it will ruin our relationship.

So, despite commenting on their bad attitude instantly, why don't we bring out the best in him? I think.. It's more effective and Insha Allah he will change the attitude himself.

friends share their feelings.
..::photo model : nuo, sadis, azam::..


Uniting together with friends aren't easy sometimes. Some people do it with hypocrite for the benefit from his partner. That's why they lastly can't stand each other despite they once stand together.

"O you who believe! Take care of your own selves. If you follow the right guidance and enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong no hurt can come to you from those who are in error. The return of you all is to Allah, then He will inform you about (all) that which you used to do." [5:105]

Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) said:
"The example of a good companion and a bad companion is like that of the seller of musk, and the one who blows the blacksmith's bellows. So as for the seller of musk then either he will grant you some, or you buy some from him, or at least you enjoy a pleasant smell from him. As for the one who blows the blacksmith's bellows then either he will burn your clothes or you will get an offensive smell from him."

Despite saying, "That's the problem with you. You always...
learn to say, "That's not like you! You're capable or...
and describe how we want the people to be, as if he or she already were. hehe..

It's true, impossible to make everybody satisfy with you. But, not impossible to make anybody as much as you can to satisfy with you. Well you see, if there is bunch of people unsatisfied, does it mean we have to backtrack our recent behaviour or attitude, right? People say what they see real.

Sometimes, we have to give up something to gain up everything. If friendship is everything for you, then give up your something sometimes which is your ego.

Wallahua'lam.. Wassalam.