27 February 2010.
Yesterday was the Maulidur Rasul day. I remembered my school time. There were always festive held by schools in conjunction with this holy day.
Ever since I was standard one student until standard six, I remembered parading around entire school’s nearby residence while reciting selawat and salam to Rasulullah SAW.
Secondary school way was greater. Equipped with banners and costumes, students paraded according to their own house. Also with recitation of selawat and salam to Rasulullah.
Allahumma Salli ‘ala Saiyidina Muhammad.
She Who Paid the Price
I read on Malaysia Maulidur Rasul Award 1431H. Interested, I read on to know who the recipients were for this year. My eye caught at one name,
Nik Nur Madihah Nik Mohd Kamel
She was one of the six selected people honored to take the award, who each of the six recipients received RM22,000 cash, a trophy and certificate.
Amazing. Suddenly I felt envy. Lucky her..
Read on.
“However, one of the six recipients, Nik Nur Madihah, currently pursuing her studies at the Jash University in Irbid, Jordan, could not make it to the award ceremony and represented by her father Nik Mohd Kamel Husin.”
From proud and amaze, I felt embarrassed.
Where in the world the university is? Even Google result will show links unmatched with any kind of university institution. Sigh..
Ignore that. Ehem..
The point now is that, she proved what she has been striving for. Became the best 2008 SPM student, personally I think her path to become one of successful muslimah figure is not impossible.
Despite, she took a determined choice to pursue her dream in Physics. By enrolling into Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST) -JUST, not Jash- , I think she had been thinking about the enormous challenge ahead and well prepared for that.
It may be hard, but she could become a history, of course. The first student graduated from Arab land with certificate in Physics.
“She is an exceptional student who has proven that poverty is not an obstacle for success,” Entrepreneur and Cooperative Development Minister Datuk Noh Omar said regarding her.
May the force be with you. Salute..
Story from Naim Deraman
An outstanding story from my brother, entitled ‘Percaya dan Usaha’.
Suasana kampung yang damai. Matahari kelihatan sederhana pada petang itu. Udara nyaman.
Kelihatan seorang budak lelaki, Fathi bermain guli di halaman rumahnya. Seorang diri, tanpa kawan-kawan. Namun, tetap asyik dengan permainannya.
Seorang pak cik tua, Sakdon memerhati dari jauh. Duduk di bawah sebuah pokok rambutan rendang. Menghabiskan sisa-sisa umur yang agak kendur kudratnya dengan berehat-rehat.
“Nak, datang sini sekejap,” dia memanggil.
Disahut budak tersebut, terus berlari ke arah orang tua itu.
“Ya pak cik. Kenapa?” Fathi bertanya sambil duduk di sebelah Pak Cik Sakdon.
Senyap. Seperti memikirkan sesuatu..
“Sini,” sambil mengambil guli di tangan Fathi, Pak Cik Sakdon bersuara.
“Kalau guli ini ditanam, percaya tak sesuatu akan tumbuh?”
Seperti dalam cerita dongeng, Fathi tak percaya. Tak mungkin.
“Betul? Apa pak cik cakap ni?” Spontan dijawab Fathi. Pelik.
“Cuba dulu. Tanam.” Balas Pak Cik Sakdon.
Cubalah. Fathi menggali tanam sekitar kawasan pokok rambutan itu. Kemudian, tanam dan kambus.
“Dah pak cik,” selesai.
Fathi kembali ke bawah pokok rambutan tersebut. Tiada apa-apa.
Lalu dia bergegas mencari Pak Cik Sakdon.
“Pak cik, tak tumbuh apa-apa pun?” tanya Fathi selepas dijumpai orang tua itu.
“Oh, sabar. Tunggu la dua tiga hari. Tapi kena la siram tiap-tiap hari,” ujar Pak Cik Sakdon.
“Ooo.. Kena siram. Kenapa tak cakap awal-awal,” balas Fathi.
Tiap-tiap hari Fathi datang menjenguk tempat guli ditanam. Disiramnya tempat tersebut. Dicabut rumput-rumput sekelilingnya.
Tak sabar-sabar melihat guli ajaibnya tumbuh.
Selang beberapa hari, masih sama. Langsung tiada apa-apa tumbuh walau sekecil rumput.
Putus asa, Fathi pergi mencari pak Cik Sakdon.
“Pak cik. Pak cik tipu ke? Tak tumbuh apa-apa pun.” Marah.
“Tiap-tiap hari ke pergi tengok?” tanya Pak Cik Sakdon.
“Hmm..” Fathi mengangguk.
“Tiap-tiap hari ke pergi siram?” tanya Pak Cik Sakdon lagi.
“Ya,” jawab Fathi.
“Ada sesuatu yang memang dah tumbuh,” jelas Pak Cik Sakdon.
“Ha? Mana ada,” balas Fathi.
“Bukankah dah tumbuh kepercayaan dalam diri kamu?” Pak Cik Sakdon tersenyum.
Author : Naim
Actors : Fathi, Pak Cik Sakdon
Aha.. how was it?
It doesn’t mean to make funny of the boy. Take the lesson.
See, if we believe then we will try to achieve. Even, seems pretty impossible. No matter what.
But, should be realistic la..
Salam Maulidur Rasul. Wasalam..