Saturday, February 27, 2010

Believe in You

27 February 2010.


Yesterday was the Maulidur Rasul day. I remembered my school time. There were always festive held by schools in conjunction with this holy day.

Ever since I was standard one student until standard six, I remembered parading around entire school’s nearby residence while reciting selawat and salam to Rasulullah SAW.

Secondary school way was greater. Equipped with banners and costumes, students paraded according to their own house. Also with recitation of selawat and salam to Rasulullah.

Allahumma Salli ‘ala Saiyidina Muhammad.

She Who Paid the Price

I read on Malaysia Maulidur Rasul Award 1431H. Interested, I read on to know who the recipients were for this year. My eye caught at one name,

Nik Nur Madihah Nik Mohd Kamel

She was one of the six selected people honored to take the award, who each of the six recipients received RM22,000 cash, a trophy and certificate.

Amazing. Suddenly I felt envy. Lucky her..

Read on.

“However, one of the six recipients, Nik Nur Madihah, currently pursuing her studies at the Jash University in Irbid, Jordan, could not make it to the award ceremony and represented by her father Nik Mohd Kamel Husin.”

From proud and amaze, I felt embarrassed.


Where in the world the university is? Even Google result will show links unmatched with any kind of university institution. Sigh..

Ignore that. Ehem..

The point now is that, she proved what she has been striving for. Became the best 2008 SPM student, personally I think her path to become one of successful muslimah figure is not impossible.

Despite, she took a determined choice to pursue her dream in Physics. By enrolling into Jordan University of Science and Technology (JUST) -JUST, not Jash- , I think she had been thinking about the enormous challenge ahead and well prepared for that.

It may be hard, but she could become a history, of course. The first student graduated from Arab land with certificate in Physics.

“She is an exceptional student who has proven that poverty is not an obstacle for success,” Entrepreneur and Cooperative Development Minister Datuk Noh Omar said regarding her.

May the force be with you. Salute..

Madihah and her family with Tok Guru.

Story from Naim Deraman

An outstanding story from my brother, entitled Percaya dan Usaha.

Suasana kampung yang damai.  Matahari kelihatan sederhana pada petang itu. Udara nyaman.

Kelihatan seorang budak lelaki, Fathi bermain guli di halaman rumahnya. Seorang diri, tanpa kawan-kawan. Namun, tetap asyik dengan permainannya.

Seorang pak cik tua, Sakdon memerhati dari jauh. Duduk di bawah sebuah pokok rambutan rendang. Menghabiskan sisa-sisa umur yang agak kendur kudratnya dengan berehat-rehat.

“Nak, datang sini sekejap,” dia memanggil.

Disahut budak tersebut, terus berlari ke arah orang tua itu.

“Ya pak cik. Kenapa?” Fathi bertanya sambil duduk di sebelah Pak Cik Sakdon.

Senyap. Seperti memikirkan sesuatu..

“Sini,” sambil mengambil guli di tangan Fathi, Pak Cik Sakdon bersuara.

“Kalau guli ini ditanam, percaya tak sesuatu akan tumbuh?”

Seperti dalam cerita dongeng, Fathi tak percaya. Tak mungkin.

“Betul? Apa pak cik cakap ni?” Spontan dijawab Fathi. Pelik.

“Cuba dulu. Tanam.” Balas Pak Cik Sakdon.

Cubalah. Fathi menggali tanam sekitar kawasan pokok rambutan itu. Kemudian, tanam dan kambus.

“Dah pak cik,” selesai.


Fathi kembali ke bawah pokok rambutan tersebut. Tiada apa-apa.

Lalu dia bergegas mencari Pak Cik Sakdon.

“Pak cik, tak tumbuh apa-apa pun?” tanya Fathi selepas dijumpai orang tua itu.

“Oh, sabar. Tunggu la dua tiga hari. Tapi kena la siram tiap-tiap hari,” ujar Pak Cik Sakdon.

“Ooo.. Kena siram. Kenapa tak cakap awal-awal,” balas Fathi.

Tiap-tiap hari Fathi datang menjenguk tempat guli ditanam. Disiramnya tempat tersebut. Dicabut rumput-rumput sekelilingnya.

Tak sabar-sabar melihat guli ajaibnya tumbuh.

Selang beberapa hari, masih sama. Langsung tiada apa-apa tumbuh walau sekecil rumput.

Putus asa, Fathi pergi mencari pak Cik Sakdon.

“Pak cik. Pak cik tipu ke? Tak tumbuh apa-apa pun.” Marah.

“Tiap-tiap hari ke pergi tengok?” tanya Pak Cik Sakdon.

“Hmm..” Fathi mengangguk.

“Tiap-tiap hari ke pergi siram?” tanya Pak Cik Sakdon lagi.

“Ya,” jawab Fathi.

“Ada sesuatu yang memang dah tumbuh,” jelas Pak Cik Sakdon.

“Ha? Mana ada,” balas Fathi.

Bukankah dah tumbuh kepercayaan dalam diri kamu?” Pak Cik Sakdon tersenyum.

Author : Naim
Actors : Fathi, Pak Cik Sakdon

 Believe in ourselves.

Aha.. how was it?

It doesn’t mean to make funny of the boy. Take the lesson.

See, if we believe then we will try to achieve. Even, seems pretty impossible. No matter what.

But, should be realistic la..

Salam Maulidur Rasul. Wasalam.. 

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Berkawan Biar Seribu, Bercinta Jangan Satu

20 February 2010


Dalam perjalanan pulang ke rumah dari Seminar Kewangan Islam BKMJ 2010 di Dewan Mu’tamarat, Universiti Yarmouk semalam. Saya berjalan bersama MC-sepenuh-masa, Auliya (bukan nama sebenar). Kami bersembang-sembang pasal bisnes, karier, perancangan hidup dan macam-macam lagi.

Tengah-tengah rancak borak-borak, terserempak pula Dan dan Lan (juga bukan nama sebenar), mereka on the way ke latihan bola tampar. Wakil Irbid dalam sukan Karisma kata mereka.

“Ooo.. main tak ajak ye,” dengan gaya perli ala-ala mak orang, Auliya segera memulakan bual bicara.

“Eh, ye ke? Jom.” Dan dengan muka selamba mengelakkan diri dari menjadi sasaran kata-kata pedas pendebat peringkat antarabangsa itu lagi.

Dengan serta-merta perbualan kami masuk ke beberapa topik lain seperti sarung tangan Lan, hutang belanja Popeye dan lain-lain. Lama juga, dalam 15 minit.

Dah habis, saya dan Auliya teruskan berjalan. Tak sampai 100 meter, terserempak pula dengan Bro Halfi dengan member. Mereka juga nak pergi ke court volleyball.

Berhenti, sembang lagi. Agak-agak dah lama borak-borak, kami teruskan lagi berjalan.

Beberapa minit kami berjalan, saya tersenyum hampir tergelak. Saya cakap,

“Auliya, bila kita nak sampai rumah ni?”

Auliya terdiam sekejap..

“Ha’ah. Asal jumpa orang je stop sembang-sembang. Haha..” balas Auliya.


Suasana Berukhuwah

Mesra. Perkataan paling sesuai mengungkap suasana warga Melayu di Irbid, Jordan. Seniority tidaklah menjadi aspek terpenting difikirkan. Hormat yang tua, sayangi yang muda.

Tiada beza jurusan, tahun pengajian malah umur.

Berkawan dengan semua orang. Cinta dengan semua orang.

Mana-mana jumpa, bagi salam.
Mana-mana jumpa, hulur tangan.
Mana-mana jumpa, tanya khabar.

“Sihat?” teguran paling popular. Singkat, tapi penuh makna. Menunjukkan concern, cakna dan ambil berat kepada saudara-saudara.

Malah, walaupun tak kenal, tak ingat nama dan belum pernah jumpa, tanya-tanya khabar macam dah lama kenal. Haha.. lepas tu baru ta’ruf. Entah ta’ruf yang ke berapa dah sebenarnya. Maklumlah, jumpa pun kadang-kadang.

Suasana yang jarang dijumpai di tempat-tempat lain. Mungkin disebabkan faktor komuniti Melayu di Irbid yang tidaklah begitu besar. Aktiviti-aktiviti yang dijalankan memerlukan tenaga kerja dari semua pihak.

Namun, tidak mustahil suasana ini boleh diwujudkan dalam komuniti yang ramai yang bilangannya mencecah beribu-ribu orang, malah berjuta-juta. Semangat persaudaraan itu penting.

Friend believes in you when you have ceased to believe in yourself.

Banyak Orang, Banyak Ragam

Agak aneh apabila saya mendengar cerita-cerita dari rakan-rakan yang baru pulang dari bercuti ke tempat-tempat lain yang mana amat berbeza jika dibandingkan di sini.

“Kalau pergi sana kan, sama-sama Melayu pun tak tegur bila jumpa kat tengah jalan. Maklumlah, dah ramai sangat orang Melayu kat situ. Jumpa pun buat ‘dek’ je lah.”

Kata seorang kawan yang baru balik dari Mesir. Maaf jika terlalu telus. Tapi, bagi mengelakkan pihak lain terasa.

Saya pun pernah sendiri mengalaminya semasa di Turki pada cuti yang lepas. Pengalaman di sebuah kedai pasta bersebelahan Grand Bazaar.

Saya dapati ada tiga orang anak Melayu sedang makan di dalam kedai tersebut. Macam biasa, masuk rumah orang bagi salam. Dijawab tauke kedai dan pekerja. Tidak kedengaran jawapan dari mereka. Mungkin tak dengar atau sudah dijawab dalam hati.

Mahu ditegur, mereka tidak memandang kami yang sedang masuk ke dalam kedai.

Saya duduk di penjuru lain. Saya perhatikan mereka. Harap-harap perasan ada orang lain dalam kedai ni.

Mahu angkat tangan, pandangan dialihkan sekilas ternampak kami.

Oh, Nampak rupanya. Ok.

“Assalamualaikum.” Dengan lantang salam diberi sekali lagi.

“Waalaikumussalam.” Dengar pun mereka ni.

“Dari mana?” soalan saya.

“UK,” jawab salah seorang.

“Kami dari Jordan,” saya beritahu tanpa ditanya.

Berbual-bual sedikit sebanyak. Kemudian, masing-masing buat hal sendiri. Tak banyak yang dikongsi. Mungkin disebabkan mood saya pada awal lagi sudah sedikit rosak.

Macam-macam perangai manusia ni..

 Salji sama putih, kasut lain-lain.

Cukup Dengan Salam

Contoh-contoh realiti yang diceritakan di atas bukanlah bermaksud merendah-rendahkan mana-mana pihak. Tidaklah bermaksud masuk bakul, angkat sendiri. Cuma sebagai peringatan dan pencerahan kita bersama.

Maaf bagi yang terasa. Mungkin suasana persekitaran kita selama ini berbeza.

Di Irbid, ada juga yang tidak suka bergaul dan berkenal-kenalan dengan orang. Mungkin sendiri bagi sesetengah orang lebih menenangkan, malah merupakan cara mereka berfikir dan bermuhasabah. Itu hak mereka. Kita kena hormat.

Namun, bertegur sapa sekejap tiada ruginya. Paling tidak pun, cukuplah dengan salam dan senyum.

Antara perkara pertama yang Nabi saw sampaikan ketika berada di al-Madinah a-Munawwarah adalah,

“Wahai manusia, berikanlah salam, beri lah makan, jalinkanlah silaturrahim. Solatlah pada waktu malam ketika manusia sedang tidur. Nescaya kamu akan memasuki syurga dengan selamat sejahtera.”

Riwayat oleh Ahmad, Ibn Majah, al-Baihaqi.

Antara kelebihan salam yang paling utama adalah ia menimbulkan kemesraan yang menjadi asas kasih sayang dan cinta. Sementara kasih sayang menjadi penyebab rahmat dan keimanan dan seterusnya mendapat syurga Allah.

Berkawan biar seribu, bercinta jangan satu.

"Saya nak kawan sampai syurga." -Cuib

Wallahua’lam. Wasalam..

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Dream Turkey.. Dream..

11th February 2010


My winter holiday for this year was in Turkey with other friends. We had a great time there on 31st Jan until 10th Feb.

Turkey is beautiful with east and west blend. Not far from Jordan. Just by taking taxi to Syria and next take bus to Turkey, you’ll be there. Of course, there is also air way. But for this first time travel, I chose more adventurous land alternative.

Adventurous.. That’s what we call TRAVEL!

Our new home for 6 days.


Seeking for experience is the first priority apart from looking at past historical places of Ottoman Empire, meeting new people and also going new places. Besides, must go somewhere for this holiday.

Must leave Irbid! Aha..

Turkey has enormous number of tourism places.

We went to Hagia Sophia, Panorama 1453 Museum, Sultan Ahmet Camii (The Blue Mosque), Topkapi Palace, Grand Bazaar, Taksim Square, Istanbul Modern Museum, Galata Bridge, Galata Tower, Uludag at Bursa for skiing, Archeology Museum, Dolmabahce Palace, Spice Bazaar and also bookshops.

One of museums, Istanbul Modern Museum.

For about 6 days, we went to almost all the famous tourism places in Turkey. Alhamdulillah..

Uludag, Bursa is well-known for skiing and skateboarding.

Refer to my friend's blog for more information on the trip.

4000 shops are there in Grand Bazaar, Beyazid.

Ottoman Empire

About hundred years after the ruin of the last Ottoman Empire caliph, Abdulmecit Efendi, Turkey changes and moves rapidly. The Republic of Turkey founded by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk heads to modernize the country at every aspect, mostly by western idea. Now, Turkey is one of EU candidates.

A lot of historical monuments and footsteps by Ottoman Empire we saw in Turkey.

Panorama 1453 Museum, a newly build museum which was opened on January 2010 tells story on Fatih Sultan Mehmed (II), his conquest to Constantinople.

Sultan Ahmet Camii (The Blue Mosque), was the centre of Ottoman Empire.

Beautiful Sultan Ahmet Camii in snowy day.

Hagia Sophia, known as Ayasofya was a gigantic church, changed to a mosque by Fatih Sultan Mehmed II, and recently became a museum upon the order of Ataturk. 

Notice that, most of the ancient buildings of mosque in Turkey were churches on Byzantine Emperor period.

On the way to Ayasofya.

Topkapi Palace, build by Fatih Sultan Mehmed II, served as the residence of Ottoman sultans and the centre from which the state was governed and where its dignities were trained. Also converted to a museum upon the order of Ataturk.

Dolmabahce Palace, residence of Ottoman sultans after moved from Topkapi Palace. Residence of the last sultan, followed by Ataturk after republic was reformed. Ataturk died in this palace.

Scenery in Dolmabahce Palace.

Turkey was the center of Islam World, yet the world center in 14th centuries. Feel sad as we went through all the buildings. You can imagine by yourselves how it will be if the dynasty is still the world order until now.

Turkish National Dream

On the way back, we took a bus from Istanbul to Antakya. We were entertained with a movie which for me is an outstanding movie reflecting Turkish people spirit to achieve their dream.

The title of the movie, “Devrim Arabalari”. Means, Chariots of Revolution.

Directed by Tolga Ornek in 2008, this movie tells story about dream and inspiration.

Turkey was unable to produce its own cars. But Mr General Central believed that Turkish people can produce their own cars. So, he offered a project to build a car in a term given. Mr Gunduz, accepted the offer and became the manager of the project. Helped by a young engineer, Mr Necip along with other the-best-in-country engineers, they must produce a car in only 130 days!

Along their hard work, there was time when they were encouraged, there was time when they were depressed, there was time when they stumbled, there was also time when they screwed up.

Apart from that, there were also high ranked people, Mr Sami and Mr Rustu who won’t let them succeed. They put controversial in newspaper about wasting country’s money on the project besides dangerous to the environment. They also cut the engineers’ wages and budgets. Making them working in pressure.

Not enough from that, the engineers were urged to build another car, making it 2 cars to be completed in 130 days, before they will be presented to General Central on Republic Day, 29th October. It was a new order after they succeed to build the first car’s engine.

Furthermore, the engineers also had to overcome the negative response from community, as it wasn’t done by anyone before, making a national car despite there was also good support from minority of the people. Even it will be their country’s first car!

Anyhow, Mr Gunduz and the engineers finally managed to build both cars.

Unfortunately, the car that brought Mr General Central on the Republic Day stopped moving due to lack of gas. Only because of the reason, the whole project was labeled failed by newspapers. Poor Mr Gunduz and his hardworking engineers.

But, they proved that they can do it. Their dream to build car had came to reality.

I was mesmerized by the movie. What a good one.

A must see movie.

As a motivational speaker and former collegiate football player, Rudy Ruettiger said,

Reality… is the enemy of fantasies but not of dreams.”

It is true. We must always dream. Dream to be better. Dreams are not fantasies. Fantasies couldn’t be reality. But, dream can be reality.

Imam Hassan Al Banna said,

“We need spirited, energetic and strong young people whose hearts are filled with life, enthusiasm, zeal, and dynamism; whose souls are full of ambition, aspiration and vigor and have great goals, rising and aspiring to reach them until they eventually arrive at their destination.”

Make Turkish spirit and dream as example. Adapt it in our own way.

Wallahua’lam. Wasalam..