Saturday, March 19, 2011

Malu Kawe

Sabtu, 19 Mac 2011


Aku teringat masa dulu-dulu, selalu naik bas ekspress nak pergi Somap, dokek Somban nu ar. Amek bas malam, senang sket nak nanges sorang-sorang. Tak kantoi. Keh3..
Ehem. Tade lah. Aku jenis rambo. Mane penah nanges time naik bas. Skodeng budak-budak nangis atas bas ade la. Kememe..

Time abah nak hantar pegi stesen malam-malam, mesti adik aku nak ikot punye. Pastu tido time tengah tungu bas. Orang dah kata tak yah ikot, nak jugak. Bukan nye best pon. Sayang sangat kot kat abang dia yang cool ni..

Tunggu bas pulak tak sah kalo tak lebih sejam dua. Standard bas ekpress kita. Penah bas pukul 9 sampai pukul 12. Kesian abah nak pegi kerja, adik nak pegi skolah esok..

Dan tiap-tiap kali lpas turun rumah.. dekat stesen bas.. nak naik bas.. abah aku selalu pesan,

"Cek molek doh ko ticket tu? Tengok tarih nga maso. Duet boh dale molek doh ko? Nok bini pon ikut la.."

maksud dia..
["Check betol-betol dah ke tiket tu? Tengok tarikh dan masa. Duet letak baik-baik dah ke?" -yang hujung tu aku tipu-]

Asal nak naik bas je, mesti gitau macam tu. Dah banyak kali dengar. So, aku selalu la cek tiket aku, baca dua tiga kali.. Time beli, time nak simpan, time nak packing, time nak turun rumah, time nak naik kete, time sampai kat stesen, time nak naik bas dan juga 5 kali sebelum dan sesudah solat..

Tade lah. Time beli je ngan time nak turun rumah je..

Penting ka?

Penting wooo..

Tragedi Coventry - Manchester

Cerita ini diceritakan oleh kawan kepada kawan kepada kawan aku..

Ada empat orang budak ni. Pergi UK time winter holiday. Poyo je.. Orang lain pegi Turki, Syria dan jalan-jalan Jordan (atau femesly disebut JJ) saja. Depa ni bukan first time sangat pun baru nak gi travel. Yang dua lagi tu penah dah sampai England katanya. Yang aku dengar la.. Tak tahu la kot..

Plan asal nak buat ala-ala apa nama tu, couchsurfing? Dengan selamba badak berendamnya, diorang ni tak book la apa-apa tiket kat UK. Ingat UK ni macam afrika ke nak lompat naik atas lori. Keh3..

"Adventure sket," kata rambo bersara MTD.
"Aku ikut je," striker simpanan sekolah rendah setuju.

Namun, muka yang sikah jangan disangka bukan buaya darat. Kata je penah datang UK, tapi sume dah lupa. Macam mana nak book tiket kalo kad tarak?? Haha..
Maka, dengan terhegeh-hegehnya pinjam kredit card orang-orang sana. Baru nak book sume tiket.

Sampai kat Coventry. Hajatnye nak pergi Cadbury World kat Birmingham. Tapi sebab petang nanti dah kena naik bas pergi Manchester pulak, depa ni cancel la nak pergi Cadbury World yang diidam-idamkan tu. Kesian.. Tiket punya pasal. Beli lagi last menet..

So, memandangkan rambo MTD tu hobinya layan Glee dan juga puisi-puisi english, diorang pun setuju la nak pergi Stratford saja, tempat lahirnya Shakespeare.

Lepas amik gambar dengan kawan-kawan Coventry diorang bersama rumah sekali, diorang pun bergerak ke stesen bas dengan memikul beg masing-masing, macam nak gi Everest. Asal nak naik bas pukul 6.20am gitu nak pegi Stratford. Tapi, terlambat dua tiga menet. Kena la tunggu bas pukul 7 lebih. Sedih..

Sampai Stratford. Jalan-jalan. Amik gambar ngan tugu-tugu. Tapi rumah Shakespeare tak sempat masuk. Nak kejar bas pukul 2 petang nanti. Takut telepas lagi.

rumah kelahiran Shakespeare

Terus naik bas balik Coventry dalam pukul 12. Dalam bas..

"Eh, pukul 8? 8pm. Weh. Bas pukul 8 malam la.. Aku silap tengok. Hehe.." tetiba sorang lagi ahli adventure team ini, mamat spek putih bersuara.


"Sies?" sorang lagi tanya. Cool je.

Rambo ngan striker simpanan sekolah rendah tak bersuara.
Nak marah-marah kan takut mamat spek putih terasa. Dah la dia yang tolong beli tiket.

Sume senyap..

"Aku dah tak tahu nak kata apa." Rambo hantar sms kat mamat cool. Haha..

Terus je sampai University Warwick kat Coventry. Kawan-kawan depa ni ada kat sana. Tengah kuliah time tu. Kata nak wat farewell sket la. Pagi tadi dah amek gambar sama-sama macam dah nak bla..

Tapi, bas pukul 8 sebenarnya!! Dah tebal 14 inci dah muka masing-masing. Terpaksa la diorang ni lepak-lepak kat uni sampai malam.

Malam tu, kawan-kawan diorang ni hantar la pergi stesen. Baik sungguh depa ni. memang menghormati tetamu ala-ala arab gitu.

Sambil-sambil tunggu,

"Nanti nak datang sana, gitau la kami. 24/7 tade masalah," rambo.
"Baru sehari dah nak bla dah. Sori la tak leh dok lama-lama. Travel katakan," striker skolah rendah.
"A'ah. Mekasih la korang sume. Susah-susah je," mamat spek putih.
".......," mamat cool. (Lupa dah dia ni cakap apa. Tak ada pape kot..)

muka seronok nak naek bas.

Bas sampai. Tengok cam penuh semacam. Muat ke 4 orang lagi.

"Are you guys sure? Manchester? 4 person?" tanya driver, pakai smart. Suspek tol.

Mamat spek putih pun kuarkan bb casing kaler hijau beliau. Tunjuk tiket kat driver bas. Bas ni tak maen tiket kertas-kertas ni. Pakai email je. Teknologi hujung kuku jari orang kata.

"Hmm.. we don't have your booking number in list," kata pacik driver.

"Ha? How can? @$$!#^#^$&%^&&)(*&&%*%$##@ " tak ingat apa mat rambo ni cakap. Macam arab dah pulak. Pengalaman tak sampai 2 tahun bergaduh dengan pacik taxi dimanfaatkan sepenuhnya.

"OK. OK. We'll try to contact HQ. What's your booking email?" pacik driver cuba bertenang. Sapa tak cuak dengan rambo. Pisau kat mana-mana ntah dia sorok.. Hehe.. Tak de lah. Yang ni dah bersara.

Cek punya cek. Tanya punya tanya HQ. Still tak dapat conformation booking. Email pula tak match. Habis lah..

4 orang travellers ni pun dah naik cuak. Apo kono ni? Dah la mamat cool penah tertinggal bini kat Oman. Lagi baik tertinggal bini dari tertinggal bas katanya.

Apa lagi, mamat cool ni dok je kat tengah-tengah pintu bas. Tak nak kasi dia tutup. Confident habes..

Nampak dah gawat semacam, sorang lagi driver mintak bb tadi. Nak tengok email tu betol-betol. Pastu..

"You guys booked your tickets for today or tomorrow?" dia tanya.

"Today!" sume jawab. Laju je.

"But this is for tomorrow. 22nd."

O.O !!

Terkejot beruk empat-empat travellers tu. Esok ke??!!

Dah. Sume turun bas. Tarik kuar beg laju-laju. Pusing belakang. Tutup muka..

Bas tu pun jalan..

"Dah! Aku tak kira! Esok aku nak gi Cadbury World gak!!" kata rambo.

Belom lagi malu macam ni agaknya. Mana takya. Selalu dialah hero time tembak-tembak orang, potong-potong orang. Ni.. silap naik bas. Dah la tadi bertekak yakin kemain. Haha..

Tak cukop dengan silap tengok masa. Malam tu silap tengok tarikh pulak! Haha..

Maka, terpaksalah malam tu tido sehari lagi kat rumah member kat Coventry tu. Tambah 14 inci lg tebal muka ni. Hampeh..

sampai jugak diorang ni kat Cadbury World. ada hikmah..


1. Kata-kata orang tua ni jangan pandang lekeh. Tu pasal abah aku suruh cek tarikh ngan masa selalu kalo beli tiket.

2. Orang UK baik-baik. Kami.. er. Diorang ni tak kena maki pun walopon wat sabo. Lambat bas tu sampai Manchester.

3. Jangan nak adventure sangat.

Wallahua'lam. Wassalam..

Saturday, March 12, 2011

woMen & Medic

Tuesday, 08th March 2010.


I started the new year of my university on last September with a task. Assigned before I went back to Malaysia for an approximately a month holiday. A huge one. Never though something very important like that had been given to me.

Even in the holiday, I felt burdened. Not really pleasant feeling. Planning assignment in holiday is a big spoil. Raya was in the mood also. Hehe..

Write The Future 2010

So, the assignment was actually a task to conduct a motivational program for the first year students, named as 'Write The Future 2010'. It's an annual event.

"Give them motivation!"
"Make them interested in medicine and dentistry!"
"We want them to become very competent in class!"

Those were hopes from seniors and Education Malaysia Jordan (EMJ). Meanwhile, me, only second year. How can I make those freshies' eyes opened with just a little bit experience in Jordan. If compared to a big mountain, mine only the small rocks on the ground.

At this point we need for others help. My friends and seniors obviously..

Alhamdulillah.. Everything went well except for it was a rainy day. Whatever happened, all of them is always our God's will. We plan, He decides.

Thanks to everyone those helped me a lot. Really like to mentioned all of you here, but it would be a long list. Hehe.. I always appreciate your guys effort.

Gender in Medicine

I remembered in my speech on that day, I said one or two things about how I respect people who contributed their lives in medicine. It's a very long, difficult journey. The ones who really indulge themselves in this path are really brave and full of confident.

I spoke up a little bit high on our sisters, who we addressed here as 'akhawat' in their decision to continue their study in medicine field, either here in Jordan or any medicine college in this world..

Seriously, you all have my respect.

It's not easy to make it to the moment when you came all the way, far from your beloved home and family.
Pushing with people twice your size to get on the bus..
Disturbed by the 'jakun' boys/men when going back to house.
Sometimes (I think quite many times) quarrelling with taxi drivers on the charge. It's a must. It's just like they think we don't know the usual rate. Even we've been here for a year or two at least.. Me, myself getting tired of this situation. Sometimes, I just give them how much they want. It's hard to win by words. Give out a punch is easier. Haha..

And those all we get for coming here just to study? Choosing medicine is hard enough.

Of course those situations happen to all but it's troublesome when girls involved.

May the force be with you.

There are also people who prevent their daughter, sister or wife to pursue their dream in medicine. The reason? Women are better stay at home and serve the family. They are prone to 'fitnah' and trouble.

The question is..
You forbid your wife to become a doctor and at the same time, when your wife is in her period to give birth, you want her to be treated by a female doctor, who at the same time is OTHER'S WIFE!

So, did you guys see any relevant in this case?

Obviously, there's some case female doctor are better to handle especially which include 'aurah' (aurat) and all that women's thing. Even some people say it's 'haram' for male doctor to take care of them when there is female doctor.

If women are prevented to do their job, who will? There's some field that female are better than male. We have to admit that. So, give them their 'haq' in this time.

I heard from an auntie who told me the story of a woman from Tunisia. She ran to Malaysia just to get a job. I can't remember what was the job. But, according to her story, she was prevented to work in public in her own country because of gender issue.

That was one of the reason of last uprising though.

So, there's lot of challenge for them to work hard especially in medicine. And of course, jumping in medicine bandwagon means you'll have less time for other than work things such as family. We knew already the role of women at home is enormous.

Future Is in Their Hands

What? Why theirs?

My brothers..

At this time, I can say that everything is in the XX chromosome gender. Look anywhere in our own colleges. Female is the majority.

If this continues, there's no doubt women will be much superior than men in some fields. So, where's our strength guys? Supposed men are stronger la.. Physically, may be of course. But why not, intellectually also. Most of scorers in exams usually always female. Maliuww leww..

Even, at the last days of lecture in my uni, we barely see male students seat in the lecture hall. See.. Come on guys.. It's easier for men to go out from house than female.

Some of us may score despite attendance 0. But, it's still not worth I think. Knowledge without faith will make us proud.

No matter how high you fly to the sky, know it you always bound to the gravity. Something to bear in mind.

This is a challenge to me, myself also. When think about this, it obviously make us more motivated. Right?


Wallahua'lam. Wassalam..