Juz celebrated zakiy's birthday yesterday. Kat dpan kolaej cemara.
Its always a beautiful thing to gather with frens n chatting n makan2.
Unfortunately not my besday la. Da lme lpas. Kalo tol pon mcm la ad org nak celebrate.
Lucky la ko zakiy ad member cam ktorang. Bes dowh ko. haha..
Thanx la kpd org2 y maggle bli kek n plan nak blakun..
actly orgnal plan was to make up a terible day for him. such as balaih (amek) his mp3 or hard disk or smthing to frustrate him.. then cut it out at night.
But coz we had exam on the day, so it seems ksian la plak.. kng ad bdak x leh fly.
hoho.. even though actly konpem fly..
Overall, jd gak ar sprise ni.. aku gak y tibai kek tu banyak2. sedap kot..
besnye zakiy.
tade sape pn clbr8 bday ak.
taw xpe..
byk gle ko mkn cke 2...
sdp ke wey!!!??
tgk la spe yg bli...
to: ledi shukriyah
kalo ko dtg intec ari 2 pon ktorg clbrate kot.
nway, hepi besday.. y da lme lpas..
to: dr ainon
kek sdap x sdap ikot org y beli er??
bkan org y wat..
cm2 rpenye.
hehe best nye dpt kumpul ramai2
sumpah jeles dgn bdk2 intech ^.^'
duhh ak sorg2 je kt INTI :'(
to: aqilah
intec n inti lbey kurg sme je..
dtg la sni laen kali.
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