Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Inpro INTEC 09


It has been a while the INPRO (sukan antara program.. cmne bley jd inpro ntah) at Intec had close its curtain. The closing ceremony was superb!!

MEP (middle east program) achievements:
1. first place girl volleyball
2. second for boy bowling
3. third place boy basketball (i'm one of the player.. haha...)
4. first for marching

plus our head contingent..
Ustzh Siti Fatahiyah Mahamood won the best head contingent award.. congrate ustazah...

marching heroes..

ustazah n the bodyguards.. haha..

Overall.. MEP memg power..
Shantoh2 hoyeh!!!!!!!!!!


Lady Shukriyah said...

yeke power?


Unknown said...

of cos..
tnye la bdak2 intec laen.

dayah n skin n tosyok pon cuak..

shantoh2 hoyeh!!

bin2zamrizakaria said...

ekelh..asl la ske sgt sbot shntoh3..
xde kaitn lgsg..

tol3..syuk..bes gle mep nyer machg...
rugi gle ko xtgk..

Unknown said...

yeh dats rite..

shantoh means b*g actly.
nonsense but exctd.