"Read! In the name of your god who has created (all that existed). Has created man from a clot (a piece of thick, coagulated blood). Read! And your God is the Most Generous. Who has taught (the writing) by the pen (the person to write was Prophet Idris). Has taught man that which he knew not."
-Surah Al- 'Alaq 1-5.
I started my post this time with the first 5 verses of Quran which was taught to our prophet Muhammad S.A.W. Urged people to do one vital thing in life, that is READ.
What with reading? Ada apa dengan membaca?
Knowledge! Of course..
The modern world nowadays is moving fast. Competition is extremely high between scholars. Hence, those person with more knowledge and thoughts will have greater chance to conquer all the chances. Today, with a glimpse of time, a businessman can conducts a meeting without moving out from his office. Seems impossible but that's the reality recently.
So, are we ready for this phenomenon?
"Wandepet-wandepet kami tatang.. mebantu anak-anak dadam ketutatan.." budak kecik. Tak tahu abc. Masih lagi telor berbicara tapi benda selalu dia belajar lagu wonderpet.
"Weh.. kreko baru da keluar dowh~ Siot laa.. tak de duit la time-time ni.." remaja-remaja. Tahu baca majalah-majalah hiburan. Sanggup berhabis-habisan sebab komik. Siap boleh buat koleksi lagi tu.
"Ish.. tak minat la nak baca buku-buku lain. Bukan masuk exam pon," pelajar-pelajar. Still don't concern about extra knowledge.
"No time. Banyak kerja. Anak bini lagi nak settle," orang-orang agak tua.. Sudah cukupkah ilmu di dada?
That's all excuses we heard when talking about reading.
Just for comparison..
In 2001 survey, Mainichi Shinbunsha newspaper in Japan stated that 60% respondents read books and 80% read magazines.
Generally, Japanese read two books per month.
In 1998, The Canadian Statistics Homepage showed that 82% and 71% Canada's total population read newspaper and magazines respectively. 61% Canadians read books and majority read at least a book per month.
In 1996, The National Library survey stated that Malaysians only read two books a year statistically! their favourite reading materials were newspapers, books, magazines and comics.
Plus, Unesco statistics showed that from 1998 to 2001, only 191 books had been translated into Bahasa Malaysia here, compared to 19,844 translated into Japanese in Japan!
See.. that why we are still lag behind both two countries until now. Don't mention United States population.. their reading rate is obviously far ahead us, Malaysians.
This thing came to my mind when I was searching for books at library in JUST. Lot of them are in arabic. Wondering how easy for me to read books in Malaysia. Terasa rugi tak bawa banyak-banyak buku dari Malaysia.
But I feel quiet satisfied to find a precious book, The International Jew. Recommended by Dr Azzam Tamimi, a British Palestinian activist, currently director of Institute of Islamic Political Thought in London during his visit to Malaysia for Konvensyen Berakhirnya Agenda Zionis which I attended couple of months ago. Maybe I'll write some about it in next post.
Pesan saya, banyak-banyaklah membaca.
"An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest."
-Benjamin Franklin, US author, diplomat, inventor, physicist, politician & printer.
most of the books are in arabic..
lots of interesting books but quiet don't understand to read. hehe..
the international jew by henry ford sr.
salam. nice blog =)
1 - tak pernah notice pun ada buku best2 camtu kat library JUST..selalu tgk kat medical section je.. rugi plak
2 - it's one thing that Malaysians don't read as much as other nations. but to some extend, regarding number of books translated as compared to Japanese tu... perhaps because Malaysians read English very well that we don't have the need to translate kot.
wasalam one_munawarah..
u got the point.
but bm pon stil x terbaca
apatah lg english..
In 2001 survey, Mainichi Shinbunsha newspaper in Japan stated that 60% respondents read books and 80% read magazines.
Generally, Japanese read two books per month.
hey babe, must know oke, yang kajian tu memasukkan KOMIK.
ou walaupun aku tak lah langsung membaca komik, tapi penting untuk tidak menjadi bias dan berfikiran terbuka.
dua, buku di jepun adalah 60% hiburan.
Contoh buku terkenal ; jenis darah dan hubungan dengan seks ; How to make simple food ; Which television to buy this year ; Best tv programme ; Football ; bla bla bla
dua, adakah percaya rakyat malaysia membaca 2 buku sehari? Hiks, sedangkan untuk spm kita kena baca at least 12 book per year.
Jadi, apakah makna membaca? Adakah dengan menjadi rigid mengetatkan pembacaan cuma kepada bahan ilmiah, bakal memajukan bangsa?
Dengan konsep terbaru najib, untuk memacu perkembangan MSC dan sektor animasi, komik merupakan satu medium paling penting.
Jadi jangan mengutarakan pandangan bias seperti itu.
BTW, translation didnt bring anything. Persoalannya, kemampuan rakyat membaca dan berfikir dengan bahasa inggeris. Di Jepun, tahap literasi Inggeris adalah lemah, malah lebih sekali ganda lemah berbanding Malaysia, jadi, translation adalah kebiasaan. Untuk negara yang boleh membaca inggeris adakah tidak berlaku lebihan dan pembaziran untuk translation. Bayangkan harry porter dalam bahasa Melayu. YUKS!
Dua, kalau benar anda menyokong translasi, mungkin dengan sebab untuk menajukan bahasa melayu, mengapa menggunakan rojak dalam entry?
*salam bos.
*Cuma point untuk difikirkan, benda-benda ini penting dalam pemikiran kritikal.
salam apun..
thanks a lot 4 ur coments n idea.
1. 60% hiburan di jepun. x know. at least reading.
2. 12 books a year.. hmm maybe 4 spm students only la bro.
saya sndiri pon tak abes baca. hehe~
500k students approximately each year take spm. only 0.02% of malaysians?
oh.. only students y disurvey national library. bias?
3. x all comics r relevant. apatah lagi nk memacu MSC dan animasi. kalau gitu anda menyokong la rakyat malaysia baca komik2 x berfaedah. i mean.. comics y x bfaedah. banyak.. nk contohi Jepun? anime banyak bagi sumber kewangan.. we are heading towards that but x payah la buat animasi x realiti. Credit to upin&ipin.. i enjoy it.
4. u r a bit harsh.. translation doesn't bring anything? it does bring a thing. nk blajar ilmu org kena faham. nak faham kena terjemah. my 8 years old bro can't read original harry potter. i wonder la if ur little bro or sis can. so, how they gonna interested in reading if x understand? saya pon x baca buku fully in japanese. coz i don't know much japanese language. juz 4 example..
sejarah proved, bangsa eropah translate karya2 arab 4 their education. then, most country translate from english nowadays.
the concepts still ongoing now.
that was the starting point where we learn to read english.
we are malay bro. speaking bahasa melayu.. bukan naturally english.
mengapa guna bahasa rojak? hmm.. should i answer that 1? saya bukan budak sastera. boleh?
nway, i used to write full in english and bahasa melayu in previous posts. check them out. bagi puas hati..
~_^ wasalam..
so?? cane nk blaja kalo x phm bahse ek??
insha allah..
belajar sikit-sikit.
interesting discussion.
but i found some contradicting statement from ur previous response.
"1. 60% hiburan di jepun. x know. at least reading.
3. x all comics r relevant. apatah lagi nk memacu MSC dan animasi. kalau gitu anda menyokong la rakyat malaysia baca komik2 x berfaedah. i mean.. comics y x bfaedah."
i think both, are not worth reading pun.
again with the translation thingy.. depends on neccessity. mungkin untuk buku dalah bahasa2 seperti arabic, french, japanese perlu pada penterjemahana. the thing is, kalau buku2 ni diterjemah ke bahasa inggeris pun org kita majority dah boleh baca, n selalu bila terjemah ke bahasa melayu buku2 jadi aneh sikit kan. haha. tapi tulah, bahasa pendidikan adalah bahasa ibunda.
the real thing is, people who doesn't read english well nowadays, will be left out. a bar we all set for ourselves. sigh.
to some extend, reading things i don't understand makes me want to master the language better.
just my 2 cents.
salam uncle faiq.
Yup,empower knowledge
im still enjoying d inconvenient truth,
n perempuan politikus melayu,
n words in the mind...
n biology 103..
hua..serabut je lbey
cne dealing with 'hard' people 2?
Tp, ak pnah tbace kajian y sbut mlaysian bce 2bku stahun tu memasukkan babies skali..
jd,mungkin paramtr kurang tepat..
tp,kte sndiri bley agk bpe bnyk kte mbce...
xbanyak ilmiah..
salam tepianmuara..
inconvenient truth realy my fav.
n also biology 103.
masuk babies sekali? which survey that 1? not stated in article that i read.
insha allah. nuhasabah diri..
owh..ari tuh ade attend konvesyen tuh ke ? cite ar experience ..sye x pat hadir sbb ade prob sikit time tuh ~demam~ how lucky u are..
yup alhamdulilah..
er.. cmne nk cte?
sape ni?
email? ym? adres?
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